Monday, August 29, 2011

Beyond Our Boarders

Children are our countries future, so when I hear about budget cuts for schools and teachers not being paid well it makes me wonder how our school system can be so different from that of Europe’s. While living in Holland I spoke to many of my friends about their educational careers.

Students in Holland go through three different levels of schooling, as we do, but during that time they are taught to speak at least three different languages in addition to the normal math, history and science. A major difference is that at twelve years old, based off of advice from elementary teachers and a placement test, children and their parents choose the style of education they would like to be involved in, setting them up for specific career fields.

The difference in the educational system was not what was the most shocking to me. When speaking of higher education I was informed that students were awarded full funding by the government for school for the first four years, while students who do require extra time on their higher educational degrees, only need to go into minimal debt, of €4-6000. From government funding, educated youth are able to enter the work force following graduation and begin saving immediately for a house, car and their life.

Government educational funding does not end at Dutch citizens either. As a partner of a Dutch citizen I would have been able to enroll in a Dutch university and receive a certain stipend from the government to follow a new educational path.

If our children really are our future, why aren’t we doing something to make sure they are not just educated, but ready for life?

Dutch Children enjoy the last few days of summer before school begins.  © Shani Studios

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